Contact us +64 7 823 1800

Event Registration / Payment

We look forward to having you join us! Please complete the form below to register for our Tabernacle event

Note that your registration is not complete until your booking time is confirmed by us.

Current Events

See our Events page for details on future events

Event Registration

Your place and time will be confirmed by email following registration

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Thank you for your communication and registration in the Tabernacle event.

Event Payment

A koha will be taken on the night attended, but if you would like to make a payment beforehand, we are able to accept payment in a number of ways. Please choose an option below, ensuring to add a reference of “Event Name + Surname” when making your payment.

Please ensure you have read all our Terms & Conditions before registering or making a payment. These are understood to have been accepted on registering / making a payment.

Bank Transfer

Bank Account: Torchbearer Trust of NZ, 03-0303-0139800-00


We can no longer accept cheques

Any issues please let us know.


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